
Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

The Word-Life

Think the Empty is not Useful
This day and everyday is bad day
If you think that worse
This day and everyday is useful
When you can do the right think

I'd like to be free but not for a while
Nothing to lose for anything when I Thought that gone
Untouchable, Unthinkable, Unsupervised is nothing
Stay here with confusing and realized that you feel empty
Waiting some unclear and the math is not true

Creditability and world synopsis can be afraid for a moment
Synergy the past and this day to be the high one
Saying the unworried in the past
make sure one think to do and willing the wild
Trust just for one not more

Thinking to get makeover life
and you just stay here not do something
Its means you failed the right one
Obey the issues to be legend in your life
Come to the dark and gone the clarity

What's worse that your life and think you are empty one
Surrounding positive grown maybe
Just looking for myself and found the real body
To make our lover me be proud and not be loser anymore
Think the right one to be the real one
You will be finding that if you can think it
Get up and then get down of this life
Don't you think you are like diamond, high level for the world
Not do something, not make sure something
Just wait and waiting until you Wake up
You will realize that is gone


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